Dienstag, 2. August 2011

Bangkok calling

Just a few hours to go and I am off to Bangkok. My home for the next few months.
So what is everyone asking? Are you nervous, are you excited, where are you staying, what will you be doing....
So many questions. Ah well. I didn't really get a chance to get all too nervous. So much to do, so little time. And after all, it's not my first move halfway across the planet.
As usual packing is a challenge. So much to pack, so little weight allowance. In this sense, flying really sucks. But hey, Bangkok is cheap, so I can always shop if I am missing something.
An Apartment is booked for the first few nights and then I'll see how I go from there.
Classes start on August 9th, so possibly by that time I'll have a long term place to stay - or not, no worries here - and some orientation in the Oriental City.  Woop Woop

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